The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce by Lisa Toth

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Book Details:

​Book Title:  The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce by Lisa Toth
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  142 pages
GenreNonfiction Occupational
Publisher:  Yorkshire Publishing
Release date:  March, 2024
Content Rating:  PG. Suitable for all adults 17+
Book Description:

Radio show host, Lisa Toth shares how she created a staffing agency for the developmentally disabled population. Over the years, Toth has helped thousands of individuals with disabilities find work that Is not only a good fit for their strengths, but also work they find fulfilling. Readers will enjoy this collection of inspiring stories, as well as the honest candor with which Lisa shares the lessons she learned along the way. She and her clients have faced daunting obstacles and challenges that would make many give up. It's the challenges that make the successes extra sweet for all of them.
Interview with Lisa Toth:

1.    What made you write a book about The Secrets of The Hidden Workforce?

At first, The Secrets of The Hidden Workforce was going to be about the guests who appeared on my radio show, The Hidden Workforce… but it turned into something so much more and so much bigger than that storyline. It became a story about that as well as my story and how I navigated through the hidden workforce. From being a direct support professional to owning agencies that provide services for people with different abilities, each story was important and needed to be seen, known, and understood. Seeing my clients with different abilities being rejected from one workplace after another is not only disheartening, but it also wears on my clients and me. Those moments were compiled into what became many anecdotes in my book along with the defining reasons for me to write about the topic of the secrets of the hidden workforce. By sharing my story as well as the stories of our friends and loved ones with different abilities— It sheds light on their capabilities and leads our employers, society, and culture into a more inclusive narrative.


2.   There are many books out there surrounding the topic of people who live with disabilities, what makes yours different?

I share the story of the differently-abled community from a unique perspective and in a different way. Anyone who works with people who live with different abilities will share their story from one angle in context to the specialization their service provides them. However, I’ve worked with them from multiple service angles within different specializations as part of their team of support staff. I’ve been a Direct Support Professional (DSP), a job coach/vocational support staff, the state executive director of a nationwide comprehensive home and community-based healthcare service provider, the founder of both a residential and home health service agency, and now the founder and CEO of a boutique person-centered staffing agency called Rise Staffing. This is what makes my book, my perspective, and my story so unique and special. I have seen people with different abilities in almost every way they function whether that’s through administering or assisting with their care, in their everyday living activities within their homes, managing the providers who care for their comprehensive and complex health needs, and working alongside them to learn and accomplish job trainings in many different career fields. I have personally witnessed their ups and downs, the obstacles and barriers that stand in their way to achieving their dreams— while also standing by them and advocating for inclusive opportunities, witnessing their remarkable victories and when their dreams come true, their capabilities, resilience, determination, and loyalty— I share all these stories and more in my book.

My book is about three different important topic sections rolled into one book. It begins with my experiences and history working with the members of the hidden workforce as well as introducing readers to my passion. Then I discuss how the hidden workforce works as not many people know the inner workings of the agencies that support differently-abled people. Finally, I share actual stories of successful employment and community-integrated experiences to show the hidden workforce in action. Each of these phases have stories that are necessary and important to share and that is also what makes, “The Secrets of The Hidden Workforce” a special book to read that stands out amongst the rest.


3.    Did you ever get writer’s block?

Once I got the bulk of my initial content organized into the different chapters they would go in my book, I realized there were still missing pieces and gaps in the story that needed to be filled. In other words, I needed more content, wherein the writer’s block would kick in. Sometimes it would take a couple of days for stories to come to me but over time the gaps in the stories filled and everything came together.

What helped me overcome it was as simple as not putting too much pressure on myself and continuing with my daily job of helping people with different abilities get jobs which provided inspiration to overcome the creative blocks.


4.    Is there a defining moment or story in your book that stands out amongst the others?

One of the most jarring experiences I write about within my book and personally in my career was when I worked at the Institution in New Jersey. That story comes early in the book. Those moments also completely changed the trajectory of my career. I vowed from my experiences there that I would provide the most kind, respectful, loving, and intentional care to the patients I worked with as well as in the other specializations I would provide services to people who live with different abilities.


5.     If you could go back in time and give young Lisa any advice, what would it be?

I would say to her, don’t waste time being self-conscious. Believe in yourself. Follow the dreams impressed on your heart and don’t give up on them. And most importantly, be yourself, because you’re cool.


6.  In your book, you discuss a controversial topic in the world of intellectual and developmental disabilities- how did you approach writing this section?

I approached writing it wishing that it was not a controversial topic. People living with different abilities have the same hopes and desires as people who don’t live with different abilities, and I wrote about that openly and honestly. I wanted this section to come across respectfully but also share an important truth. I hope my readers will adopt a new perspective on this topic, not as controversial, but as part of the everyday life and experience of a mature adult who lives with a different ability.


  What do you want your readers to remember about you or your book?

People who live with different abilities are productive members of society and they want to be contributing members of society. The only way they can do that is if they are a part of the workforce. The differences between those who live with disabilities and those who do not are few. There is a lot more about each of us that unites us and can help us relate to each other rather than divide us. Communication is the key to understanding.

Also, listen to The Hidden Workforce live on Tulsa’s Groovy 105.7 ( Saturdays at 9am and Sundays at 3pm CST, or wherever you get your podcasts.


This fascinating book is several stories in one. I thought the personal stories of people she worked with were very interesting. They were also very telling about how people can treat others. The author recognizes that everyone has dignity and can add their skills to the workforce.

Rise Staffing

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Meet the Author:

Lisa Toth, CEO Owner at Rise Staffing is passionate about employment. Her favorite thing is matching people with great employers! In addition to this workToth is the host of the successful radio show "The Hidden Workforce," a show about the positive impact people with different abilities bring to the workforce. 

connect with the author: website facebook 

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