The Warsaw Orphan by Kelly Rimmer

Kelly Rimer’s newest book The Warsaw Orphan is a historical fiction book based on true events in Poland during the Nazi occupation and the aftermath. As with many WWII stories, it is heartbreaking to read and realize what people endured. In an author note at the end of the book, Kelly cites a study that almost 2/3 of young adult Americans did not know that six million Jews died in the Holocaust. In fact, 10% of the survey respondents thought that the Jews caused the Holocaust. It is shocking information such as this that makes the stories of the past important to share. Kelly also shares in the author note true facts about the time and how they fit into the book. I love this additional information as it helps me understand the story. This story follows Elzbieta, a young woman living among the non-Jewish Polish people, and Roman, a young man living in the Jewish Ghetto. They are both determined to defend Poland against invaders but how they go about it is very different. I loved fo...