The Stars Among Us by Sanja Srdic Jungic

If you love Sophie Kinsella like I do, I have a new book for you! The Stars Among Us is a story inspired by the author’s real life experience as an extra on HBO’s Game of Thrones. 

Nora wants to try something new and quits her job to become an extra on a movie set. Before she knows it she is falling for the male lead. What could be wrong with that?

I read this book in a few hours because I couldn’t put it down. It was enough to capture my attention in busy airports and noisy flights. It’s a great book with a little bit of steamy romance. The best way to enjoy this book is suspend everything you think is possible or what could happen and just live in the book. I don’t want to spoil anything but you and Nora are in for a wild ride!!!!

About the author 

Sanja published this debut book in Croatian in 2019 to much acclaim. While she was working on her second book, this one was translated to English and is now published! 

Thank you to Zooloos Book Tours for introducing me to this author. I hope more of her books are translated to English!


  1. Thank you so much for taking part in the tour and sharing your review x


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