Love Beyond Lindisfarne by Kimberley Adams

What a gorgeous cover! I'm on tour with Rachel's Random Resources to share this book and an exclusive excerpt. I hope you enjoy!

About the Book:

Take a spring to summer trip to magical Northumberland and find love and laughter in this feel-good novel, which will transport you to the iconic island of Lindisfarne and beyond…

Ellie, and Zen with the coffee-bean eyes, met at Christmas when she came to Northumberland to look after rescue animals. They are taking their first tentative steps into a love-at-first-sight relationship and all in their spring garden should be wonderful.

When Lady Grace becomes ill, life at the castle changes overnight, and not for the better. The new custodian and his fiancée have plans, and the islanders are far from happy. When the filming of a reality show means the animals must move out of their yard due to the Queen of the Castle production company taking over, it’s the final straw.

Amongst all the drama, Love Beyond Lindisfarne is a story of love, intergenerational friendships, camaraderie, and oodles of the warmth and humour found in this very special corner of the world.


Hi there!

Lead character Ellie’s inner circle friendship group arrive on the island from London for a holiday. The girls are catching up. Tara is six months pregnant; her husband Toby is a serious (but lovely) historian and they are discussing potential names he has chosen for the baby currently known as Bee Dee after their surnames Butler Dunne…


‘And there goes baby Bee Dee. I seriously think it’s a boy – he kicks so well. He can’t have got that from Toby as he wouldn’t know one end of a football from the other, although I suppose Jill Scott could throw a few good kicks too, so bang goes that theory.’

‘You chosen any potential names yet?’

‘Well, let’s just say that it’s a work in progress, Ellie. I haven’t really thought of any names that I’m fully sure of. It’s difficult, not knowing what name will suit Bee Dee. But Toby, oh my God!’ She picked up a cushion and hid her face behind it. ‘You will not believe his choices, and he really isn’t joking.’     

‘Tara. Come out from behind that cushion and tell us NOW,’ I said grinning.

‘Well,’ she said, sheepishly lowering the cushion and clutching it to her bump like a shield. ‘Please don’t shoot the messenger – if it’s a girl he wants to call her… erm… I can’t believe I’m telling you both this… Boudica!’

Sophie, at this point, just about choked on her wine with laughter, tears running down her face.

‘Boudica? Oh babes, that’s so Toby.’ She continued sliding down her chair, giggling.

‘Boudica Butler Dunne has a bit of a ring to it,’ I said, trying to put a positive spin on things. ‘At least she will be unique.’

Which started Sophie off again.

‘And if it’s a boy?’ She eventually squeaked.

The cushion went back up.

‘Oh God, what next? Julius or Caesar perhaps?’

‘It can’t be worse Tara…can it?’ I asked, trying to hold my laugh in.

‘I’m not sure I can even say it,’ she mumbled.

I pulled the cushion away.

    ‘Big girl pants now. Just spit it out…’

‘H…Ho…Horatio,’ she blurted out, and then burst into peals of laughter. ‘Horatio Butler Dunne!’


About the Author:

Kimberley Adams released her debut novel, Love Lindisfarne in Autumn of last year. The book, a romantic comedy, is set in her beloved Northumberland and is a heartwarming tale of love and friendship on the small tidal island of Holy Island. Kim was stunned by the way the book took off in the busy Christmas book market and it became one of the highest rated of its genre on Amazon and gained Kim a lot of new friends! Kim hadn’t thought about writing a sequel but demand was there and so Love Beyond Lindisfarne was born. The book features all the favourite characters but can be read as a standalone. Kim’s Lindisfarne books share a special feature as Kim engages with a local artist and between them, they create the covers to match a scene within the book.  Kim is also to be published traditionally by Farrago in April 24 in The Book of Witty Women. This was as a result of her being a finalist in the Comedy Women in Print Prize and her story, Go Your Own Way, is a comedy set on urban Tyneside and introduces two of her favourite characters, Donna and her nana Mary!

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