Solving Shelly by Grayson Avery

The next installment of the Sweet Water Circle is out today, June 21st! I’ve been lucky to be part of Rachel’s Random Resources tours for each of the previous four books. In the fifth book, Solving Shelly, The Circle is determined to end Shelly’s ‘no man’ drought. Shelly is forty years old and is perfectly happy being single and successful. She loves her childhood friends in The Circle and are happy many of them have found good relationships. The Circle only wants the same for Shelly.

When I found out this was the final book in the Sweet Water Circle I was sad. I’ve loved this series and its humor. From past members falling down stairs and embarrassing themselves to getting themselves into awkward and humorous situations this series keeps me laughing. Some of the humor can be over the top and carry heavy innuendos, you know this group of friends will stick together forever. This book continues the series to a wonderful ending. It has all the humor and embarrassing situations you expect from this group of women. Poor Shelly has to endure blind dates, speed dating, and online dating at The Circles insistence and it makes a great book. This is a series you do not have to read in any order (except maybe Sasha’s Redemption after the first three books) but I highly encourage you to read the entire series. Not only are the covers beautiful, the books with lighten any day.

Author Info:

Grayson Avery is the author of The Sweet Water Circle Series, a romantic comedy series that focuses on childhood friends in their 30's and 40's as they help each other navigate the stormy waters of dating, marriage, divorce, and a whole lot of inappropriate, naughty, and downright hysterical situations.

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