Nanny Dearest by Flora Collins

I hope everyone in the US is enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend filled with family, food, and relaxation. If you are scouring for Black Friday deals you should know that November 30th is a big pub day for many books including a debut novel - Nanny Dearest by Flora Collins.

Nanny Dearest is a twisted story of Sue and her childhood nanny Anneliese. Sue lost her mother when she was three and her father very recently. She is withdrawing from her friends, got her boss to agree to let her work from home, basically she has no reason to leave her apartment. Then she sees Anneliese one day and is excited to get to know her again.

As Sue and Anneliese reconnect secrets from the past are uncovered. The story is told both in the present and when Sue was three years old. With an extremely unreliable narrator, this story is uncovered but what you believe is the trick. In the present Anneliese is living with her sister taking care of her kids. In the past Anneliese is Sue's nanny.

Nanny Dearest is a very good psychological thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end!


Q&A with Flora Collins

Q: Why do you believe thrillers are so popular?

 A: It is so easy to get lost in the suspense! A good thriller will keep you turning the pages, immersing the reader in the novel’s world. I also think there’s a strong schadenfreude aspect to it, too; people, at least this is true of myself, read thrillers to feel better about their own day-to-day problems.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

A: Fall. I love a crisp 45-degree day and the fashion. I am definitely one of those basic white girls who is happy when September rolls around.

Q: Did you have a nanny growing up?

A: I did! Though no one was as sinister as Anneliese, the nanny in Nanny Dearest, thankfully.

Q: Are you a plotter or panster?

A: Definitely a panster. I start with abasic idea and work from there.

Author Info

Flora Collins has lived in New York City her entire life (except for four years at Vassar College). This book draws from her own family history. She loves to write, watch reality TV and eating ice cream. You can keep in touch with her on Goodreads or Twitter @flococo16 or Instagram @floracollins_author.

Thank you so much for reading my blog today. The publisher provided an ARC and book background in exchange for my honest review.


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