Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns by Sybrina Durant

Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns by Sybrina Durant is a middle grade book ideal for ages 8-12, It is a unique book because it is both a fiction and non-fiction book. It was published in February and has a magical cover. I hope you enjoy a glimpse into this delightful book and a guest post by the author!


Book Description:

Are your kids ready for the magic of science? The Metal Horn Unicorn Tribe and their techno-magical unicorn friends from Unimaise are the perfect group to familiarize them with metals and other elements in the Periodic Table. Their theme is No Metal, No Magic...and No Technology.

Alumna starts out this elemental alphabet book by introducing the very necessary metal, Aluminum, on her element page. Dr. Zinko rounds out the alphabet by presenting facts and other fun information about the metal, Zinc, on his. Other members of the Metal Horn Tribe, plus some of their magical elemental friends, will give some great insight into the properties of 23 additional pure metals from the periodic table.

There is one special unicorn in the book whose horn and hooves are an alloy created by combining Copper and Zinc. Cornum, the Brass-Horned unicorn will reveal some interesting things about that metal.

Readers will love learning some magical and sciencey facts with the Metal Horn Unicorn Tribe. A unicorn-themed periodic table, trading cards representing each of the 26 unicorns and their elements plus fun lesson cards and more are also available as printable downloads. Kids will have fun singing along with the No Metal, No Magic song, too. Learn more about all the elements in this book at

Unicorn Songs

By Sybrina Durant

All of my books are represented by songs. It just feels right to have a catchy tune at the end of every book. For the Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns book, I got stuck for the longest time. I had already written a song for a counting book which counted in the song. I kept thinking I had to write an alphabet song for this book. Finally, one day, it occurred to me that this song didn’t have to be and ABC song at all. That’s when the ideas began to flow.

No Metal, No Magic is a theme that flows through the entire book. You can see it on every single unicorn elemental page. No Metal, No Magic is also the theme for this song because metal makes everything magical. Just ask a unicorn…preferably one with a metal horn. This is the album cover for No Metal, No Magic.


I also usually create book trailers for all of my story books and the book trailers contain the entire song for the book. This time I created a book trailer but it is more of an advertisement with a narrator so you can’t really hear much of the singer and song lyrics. I’m a little disappointed about that but it is what it is.  If you’d like, you can hear the song on Youtube at .  The Lyrics are below.

If you are interested in creating songs for your books, here’s my process. 

First, I write the song lyrics (like a poem) and come up with some kind of melody to go with it. I have a voice recorder on my phone that has a built in metronome that makes it easier to figure out the timing of the song. Any I usually write and rewrite and change the melody and vocalizations many times before going to the next step. My advice is to try to put as much emotion into your voice as you can as you are recording because the vocalist you select with try to mimic the go-by vocals that you send. If your vocals are blah and unemotional…theirs might be as well.

Step two is to find someone to create some music for my song. I am not a musician and never will be although I have made many attempts in my lifetime. In my opinion, the very best place to find fantastic musicians at very reasonable prices is at Fiverr. You can go on there and search for children’s music composers, listen to lots of them and pick the one you like the best.  Some of them sing and some of them don’t. Keep that in mind before you hire someone.

The third step is selecting a composer and sending your lyrics and your scratch recording.  You can create an mp3 file of the voice recording and send that to the musician. You can even ask the ones who don’t sing to make a go-by vocal for you. Some can even add your scratch vocal recording to the new music. Either of these methods is essential for the singer to have cues for where to come in with the music.  You should receive 2 files from the composer – a music only track or the musical composition and the go-by track with a vocal and the music.

Fourth – once you get your finished music back from the composer, either you (if you feel comfortable singing for the public) or the singer you hire can now record the vocals. If you need to hire a singer, just browse Fiverr again and pick the singer who sounds the best for your purposes and who fits your budget. Send them the lyrics, the go-by vocal and the musical composition.

Before you know it, you will have a song especially based on your book which you can use for your book trailers and many other reasons.

Meet the Author:

Sybrina Durant is a unicorn author/entrepreneur. In addition to books, she offers unicorn-themed activities, t-shirts, and more. Plus, she has pulled together a collection of nearly all the unicorn books available today from hundreds of authors. They are categorized on her website by Little Kid, Middle Kid, and Teen Unicorn Books.

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Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Spotlight Book Tour Giveaway


  1. Thanks for letting your readers know about Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns. There is now a unicorn-themed interactive periodic table to add to the activities list. Check it out at


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