Love at First Spite by Anna E. Collins

Anna E. Collins’s debut novel, Love at First Spite, is coming out this week. It’s the story of Dani who decides to build a house on the empty lot next to her ex-fiancée. The house she was supposed to own with her ex until she found out he cheated on her with their realtor less than a month before the wedding. Dani enlists the help of her co-worker, Wyatt, who she does not know very well besides his reputation of being a tough person. As Dani and Wyatt work on the house, they also develop a personal relationship.

I loved this debut novel. It is a rom com with just the right amount of romance. Dani’s obviously hung up on her ex, Sam, (she’s building a house next door just to get on his nerves, gets an annoying wind chime that he will have to listen to, and many other things.) It is the perfect revenge and I don’t think Dani realizes how much she is doing just to get back at her ex. Dani has help from her landlady and cousin and this threesome has a wonderfully supportive relationship. They help Dani get revenge while also focusing her on moving past Sam.

If you are looking for a quick, funny read, I highly recommend this book. It will bring back revenge memories and learning to move past a broken relationship. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Q: Love at First Spite is your debut novel. Tell us about your journey to get here.

A: I started writing full-length fiction twelve years ago when my kids were little as an escape from the eating/sleeping/changing diapers rut. Initially, it was just a fun experiment, but my perception of my writing as merely a hobby really transformed when I got into PitchWars in 2017. It was a sort of recognition that I had something worth cultivating, and it also introduced that most crucial aspect of a writer’s life - the writing community. I learned so much from that - about the writing and editing process, about querying, about persistence, and about the importance of not going at it alone. I didn’t sign with my agent (Kimberley Cameron of Kimberley Cameron & Associates) through PitchWars though, but from a cold query about six months later. 

At that point I was writing exclusively women’s fiction. We went on sub with the book that Kimberley signed me on in 2018 and then with another one in 2019, and for a long time nothing happened. We had lots of rejections - polite and complimentary ones, yes, but still rejections. I think this is something authors don’t often talk about, but it happens to most of us. You have to develop a thick skin and always write the next thing.

So, 2020 arrived, I had two books on long-term sub, I had written yet another WF manuscript, and was considering my next project. With Covid shutting everything down with no end in sight, I needed a change, so I decided to try my hand at writing something more light-hearted. Said and done - with the cheerleading of my writing group (also closest friends) spurring me on, Love at First Spite was born. Turns out some flirty banter and revenge shenanigans were exactly what my writerly quarantine year needed!

As luck would have it, I actually ended up signing my two WF books with a smaller press at the end of 2020, and shortly after that, Graydon House acquired Love at First Spite and set a publication date that would make it my debut. And here we are!

Q: What inspired this story?

A: I keep a running list of ideas for stories that I add to whenever I see or hear something that strikes me as interesting, or when I read about a topic that seems off-beat or unusual. Often, a title relating to the topic will come to me first, so I’ll jot down that and a brief line about it. In this case, I had read an article about spite houses around the world probably a year or so prior, found the lengths some people go to for revenge fascinating, and consequently made a note of it on my list. The exact words were “The Spite House - building a building to get revenge.” That was it - no genre, no characters, nothing. When I decided I wanted to write a rom com, this title stood out to me in my list as I could easily picture the pettiness required for such a build being ripe for comedic situations. It’s over-the-top right away as far as revenge goes, which seemed like a good place to start.

Keep in touch with this amazing author on social media.

Author Website

Twitter: @AEC_Writer

Facebook: @aecollinsbooks

Instagram: @aeccreates



Thank you to the publisher and author for inviting me to be part of the blog tour. I received an ARC and blog information in exchange for my honest review.


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