Once Upon a Sunset by Tif Marcelo

Diana is a OB-GYN in the DC area who recently went through some life changes. Her grandmother passed away, her mother came to live with her and she broke up with her boyfriend after finding out he cheated. She is an excellent OB-GYN and one night on shift she makes a decision that may have saved the life of a patient but it causes a lot of trouble for her employer. Diana is put on temporary leave and while on leave she discovers something about her families past. Something that changes everything she and her mother knew about her father and sends them both halfway across the world to search for answers.

I have read Tif Marcelo's previous book, The Key to Happily Ever After, and fell in love with her writing style. The stars of her books wrestle with the direction of their lives and do it in a way that is easy to sympathize with. .Diana at the beginning of the book is completely focused on work. She takes extra shifts and does everything she can to escape her non-work life. When she is forced to take a break, another problem presents itself.

I loved the format of the book. It is told from primarily Diana's view but between each chapter are letters between her grandparents during the war that separated them. These letters add so much to the story as her grandparents story is central them throughout the book. I also loved that the author sprinkled a few references to places from her prior book in this one.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a light-hearted, captivating read. After three chapters, I was hooked and had a hard time putting the book down.

I was given the opportunity to read this book in advance of its 3March2020, publication in exchange for my honest review. I would definitely add this book to your spring reading list!



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