Take My Husband by Ellen Meister

Take My Husband just released yesterday and I’m so excited to be on tour with the publisher for this book. The idea behind this book is so interesting. What would you do if you thought your spouse had died and you were free from an unhappy marriage, only to find out they are still alive.


Laurel is unhappy in her marriage. When she gets a call that her husband is in the hospital after a car accident, she fantasizes about life without him on the way to the hospital. When she finds out he is fine, she can’t shake her thoughts. It is hard to say anything else without spoiling the book but it is one you will enjoy. The characters are frustrating at times and have you rooting for them at other times. It is described as a dark comedy and I agree.

Author Interview:

What inspired this book?

We were several months into the pandemic and I was hard at work on another novel, when my husband burst into my office without knocking to tell me he’d heard a rumor that a toilet paper shipment had arrived at our local supermarket.

Thrilled as I was by this news, I was distraught by the distraction. As I turned back to my computer to try to find my train of thought, I was startled by yet another disruption. This time, it was my muse feeding me a new novel idea: a happily married woman wants to throttle her husband.

Oh, come on, I argued. That’s not a novel idea—that’s just the twisted thought of a writer at the end of her rope. But my muse was insistent.  This was a book!

What is your writing process?

I love the advice to give yourself the freedom to write a messy first draft, but for me, it just doesn’t work. I’m a very plodding, meticulous, and okay—anal—writer.  I have to polish every paragraph to a shine before I can move on. It might not be the most efficient way to work—especially since it can be so heartbreaking to tear apart such careful work when I need to revise—but it’s the way my brain functions.

What is your favorite part of writing?

I love when I put together two characters with conflicting goals, and allow them to battle it out. Those scenes are always the most dynamic. And I’m so often surprised by what they say!

What book are you reading now?

I just finished Nancy Johnson’s brilliant THE KINDEST LIE, and have started Jonathan Vatner’s engaging THE BRIDESMAIDS UNION.

Are you going on a tour for this book?

I’m launching the book with a live event on August 31st at Theodore’s, a new independent bookstore here on Long Island. But the bulk of the touring for this book will be virtual.

What is the best way for readers to keep up with you?

They can visit my website, ellenmeister.com, and sign up for my newsletter. And of course, they can always drop me an email. I love to hear from readers!

 About the Author:

Ellen Meister is the author of several novels including THE ROOFTOP PARTY, LOVE SOLD SEPARATELY, DOROTHY PARKER DRANK HERE; THE OTHER LIFE and others. Ellen is also an editor, book coach, ghostwriter, and frequent contributor to Long Island Woman Magazine. She teaches creative writing at Long Island University Hutton House Lectures and previously at Hofstra University.

Keep in touch on social media:

Author Website: https://ellenmeister.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ellenmeister/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EllenMeister



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