Breath in, Cash Out by Madeleine Henry

Allegra Cobb hates her job. She is a banking analyst at a prestigious investment firm; a job that pays very well but requires her to work 24/7. Leaving the office before 11 p.m. (or at all) is seen as slacking on the job. She regularly gets emails at 1 a.m. asking her to re-do everything she and her team just spent hours doing. Allegra's dream job is to teach yoga but she does not want to disappoint her father. Allegra meets yoga guru, Skylar, and is thrilled when Skylar says she has potential. Skylar wants to help Allegra achieve her dream of teaching yoga. Skylar gives Allegra advice to lessen the stress in her life including time out for yoga at work and fasting for two days with absolutely no food or water. For someone who lives on caffeine this is incredibly hard for Allegra. As Allegra dreams of quitting her job and becoming a yoga teacher with Skylar's help, she begins to realize people are not always as they seem.

This book is very funny. Allegra is trapped at work but still tries to find time for yoga and ends up falling asleep in a closet only to be found by a co-worker! Her antics while on the two day fast made me laugh. I found the book a little repetitive while describing the way Allegra must always be on call at work and working 24/7 but it did not detract from the overall book. I felt this was a very light and easy read. Perfect when you want lose yourself in a book!

Thank you to Atria books for the advanced reading copy in exchange for my honest review.



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